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Kombucha Recipe Flavors – Best Second Fermentation

Kombucha Recipe Flavors Second Fermentation

If you finished your first kombucha fermentation and you are looking for the best second fermentation kombucha recipes, you are in the right place!  In this article, we will go through some of the best kombucha recipe flavors to give you some inspiration.  If you are looking to have kombucha recipes and ingredients delivered to your door each month, check out our kombucha recipe subscription box!

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Kombucha Alcohol: How to Increase Kombucha Alcohol Content

Kombucha Alcohol Content - 6 Ways to Increase Kombucha Alcohol Infographic

As you probably already know, a small amount of alcohol develops naturally in your home-brewed kombucha.  Generally, this is less than 2% ABV.  However, if you are looking for a healthy substitute for your usual booze, we can help you make some party bucha!

Several variables affect the alcohol content in your kombucha.  In this article, we will focus on changes you can implement without spending money on brewing equipment or making significant changes to the kombucha brewing process. These changes can increase your kombucha alcohol content to as much as 5% ABV!  Implement the following changes to increase the alcohol content of your kombucha:

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Kombucha Carbonation- 10 Ways to Get More!

Kombucha Carbonation - 10 Ways to Boost Carbonation Infographic

If you have ever had a super fizzy, fresh, home-brewed kombucha, you already know that few things in this world are quite so refreshing!  When you are brewing your own kombucha, the carbonation you end up with is even more satisfying (you made that! With science and stuff!).  Kombucha carbonation can be a tricky animal, but it is certainly one worth taking the time to master.

If you are having trouble carbonating your kombucha, don’t panic!  This is truly a very common issue for new kombucha brewers.  By the time you implement some of the fixes in this article, your only concern will be “burping” your kombucha without creating a fizz volcano!  And don’t worry—we can help with that, too 🙂

Continue reading Kombucha Carbonation- 10 Ways to Get More!

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Second Fermentation Kombucha: Bottles & Containers You Can Use

Bottles You Can Use for Second Fermentation Kombucha

So, you studied up, worked hard, and demonstrated the patience required to get your kombucha through the initial fermentation process, and now you realize that you do NOT have the flip-top bottles everyone recommends for second fermentation!  No need to get frustrated or bummed out—there are plenty of solutions that do not involve rushing to the grocery store and buying overpriced bottles that may or may not be suitable!  That’s right—there is also no need to settle with uncarbonated unflavored kombucha for this batch.  While we are sure it would still be delicious, there are plenty of ways you can enjoy the benefits of second fermentation without a hassle!

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Kombucha Second Fermentation: Why Should I Do It?

Second Fermentation Kombucha in Bottles

What is the Point of Second Fermentation for Kombucha: Health Benefits, Flavor, & More!

For those of you who may not know, kombucha second fermentation is an optional step in the kombucha making process.  Second fermentation is the process through which your kombucha can be flavored, carbonated, and more!  While it is not a necessary step and plain ‘ol primary fermented kombucha is wonderful for you as well, we are big fans of second fermentation and think you will be too by the end of this article!

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Kombucha Flavors: Options for Flavoring Kombucha During Second Fermentation

If you are planning for second fermentation or wrapping up the primary fermentation process and beginning to wonder what you can and can’t use to flavor your kombucha during second fermentation, you came to the right place! If you are not familiar with making your own kombucha at all, you might want to read this article on the overall process before you proceed.  Today, we are going to talk about many of the diverse ingredients you can use to give your kombucha the wonderful and unique flavors you seek!

We also offer a second fermentation subscription box. We highly recommend this subscription to new brewers as it comes with a new recipe and premium ingredients each month; it is an excellent way to get familiar with the second fermentation process and learn about unique and delicious flavoring options!

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How to Make Kombucha at Home

Homemade Kombucha in Jar

Are you in love with kombucha, but not so in love with the hole it can burn in your wallet?  You are in the right place!  This article will teach you how to make your own kombucha at home.  Brewing your own kombucha is surprisingly easy, and this guide will walk you through each step.

If you do not have any ingredients or equipment for brewing your own kombucha, you might want to check out our kombucha brewing kits to ensure you have everything you need!  If you just need a SCOBY and starter tea, we can help you with that too!

Continue reading How to Make Kombucha at Home